Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Architectural Design Studio 1

Architectural Design Studio 1

Project 1: Self-Expression through Object

Project 1 of architectural studio is a project which requires us to create a piece of art work that represent ourselves. from this project actually i've improved a lot in identify what inside my self with pictures,lines, forms and the other hand, It actually to describe and express my self to to people who see my art work. I think, this is an interesting project that make a lot of improvement for my self.

For this project 1, I created an art work like a human head that the artwork divided into two part which is black and white. this project actually to show the what my hobby, what i think and what i really do in my self. for example, I love to saw new modern building, and i also want to be a leader one day, that two thing i express it from the eye of this art work, there are a shape of a modern building and the other side is leadership.

The futuristic art work


Project 2 : Self-Expression through Architectural Space

This is project 2, project two is a group work. the lecturer form us become 3 people in a group. first of all, before we starting work togeher this assignment required to design or create our own space. after we created he model, the lecturer try to find the same thing or characteristic to form us as a group and the design of this project is base on our self expression or self-potrait. On the other hand, this project required us to create 1:1 scale model using the brown board or card board.
From this project 2,  I felt that I've understand a lot of thing and gave me a lot o experience. For example how to make a design on a paper became a real thing and have a good proportion in a real life and then this project also let me know how important a contribution of a member in a group work project and also let me know that how the way to combine three brain or design into one. lastly this project also gave us a lot of problems to solve together and the problem let us learn how to work into a group.
The first progress designing own model
Model Making 1

Model Making 2

Start cutting the pieces for group model

First group model

lighting test

3D view model

lighting test 2

Group model 2
Top view of Group model

Start cutting the pieces for 1:1 model

Piece of the model

Mechanism of model making
Progress 1

Progress 2

Progress 3

Final model

Final Project: My City Dream Space

For this final project, the first thing that we need to do is to watch four movies, which are

  1. Blade runner
  2. fifth element
  3. Tron legacy
  4. Ghost in the Shell
from this project we need to slect a movie to work on. this project actually is individual and group work. the we need to build a site model or part of city from the movie in scale 1:50 based on the movie. we also need to create a space or hideout and a character which can link to this movie. the site was given in between the building. we required to design a hideout for our own individual in a space which is 5m width, 15m length and 12.5 height.

City 1

City 2

City (view 1)

City (View 2)
Site Model, Model and Presentation Board
Presentation Board 1

Presentation Board 2

Presentation Board 3

Presentation Board 4

Model and Site Model

3D view Model and Site Model

Me, Model, Site Model and Presentation Board

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